As a stay-at-home mom to four small children, I constantly feel unqualified and not nearly enough for them. I tend to look to the quickest, easiest place for comfort – Facebook. There I can find an abundance of posts, blogs, and memes reassuring me that I am enough for my kids and I can do this!
There’s a lot of truth out there in mom-meme world and I’m not mocking it. I have seen good, solid Biblical truths presented in meme form. But often they make me cry and feel reassured for a moment, then I end up feeling discouraged because, deep down inside, I know that I’m not good enough. If I’m supposed to be, then my kids are in big trouble.
Sweet Mama, all of those memes are lying to you. The truth is you are not enough. You can’t be. But God is and he is right there with you. Isn’t that a relief? To know that the future of these precious little souls that you love with all your heart is not in your weak, sinful hands? That it’s in hands far more capable and loving than yours could ever be, even though you are giving it all of your heart every moment?
Throughout the Bible, we repeatedly see God using unexpected people. People who are weak, unimportant, unsure, social outcasts, afraid – people that the world says are not enough to do great work. Like Gideon. I love Gideon. He’s just like me. When God approaches Gideon in Judges 6, he’s an unimportant guy in an unimportant tribe living in fear. The Israelites have been oppressed by the Midianites, who ride in after the crops are harvested and steal everything. So instead of threshing wheat with large stones or cattle in an empty field where the chaff can be blown away, Gideon is doing it in a confined, sunken winepress so that his enemies don’t know he has food.
What a threshing floor is supposed to look like….
Where Gideon was threshing his wheat.
So this is what Gideon is doing when the angel of the Lord appears and says, “The Lord is with you, mighty warrior”. This scene cracks me up! Can’t you picture it? Gideon is cowering down in this hole and he looks up – way up – and this ANGEL is there calling HIM a mighty warrior. Can’t you just see Gideon looking around, wondering who the angel is talking to? Thinking “Surely, he doesn’t mean me! Are there some big dudes around somewhere that I’m missing??” Of course, as soon as Gideon realizes the angel is talking to him, he questions him. “If the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us?” That’s when the Lord, instead of rolling his eyes and giving up on him, says ones of my favorite lines in the Bible: